Monday, February 06, 2012

January 2012

A few days late, but better late than never! Books for the year to date: Two. Hmmm...are we slowing down?

Not really, as shorts for the year to date: Ninety-nine (O.K., several of those belong in February, but still...)

Last year was the reverse, by the end of January I had read many books and few short stories. That trend continued throughout the year and I'm using this year to reverse it. Right now I'm concentrating on short story singles of recent origin (purchased or found for free and downloaded to the eBook gadget). Next, I'll start working on the backlog of paper and electronic magazines that are crowding the shelves (real and virtual). And then multi-author anthologies.

I'm just never going to catch up with the current pace of book publishing again (probably haven't been able to match it since college). The only way to find and experience new writers will be through short works (which may lead to novel purchases as well). I think I'll make 60 books (my usual minimum) for the year, but maybe not. The number of shorts should be way past my minimum for the year (365).

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